Who is Shiva?
being of enormous proportions and phenomenal capabilities
Arrived in the upper region of the himalayas many thousands of years ago
This being who came to be known as the adiyogi or the first yogi?
Transmitted the science of Evolving human consciousness
Willfully to the subtly she's the celebrated seven sages of seemingly celestial origin
These seven sages
Infused with the sacred knowing of Eastern mysticism that predates all religions
Carried it around the globe and to this day it continues to live and flourish in
various manifestations and distortions
the spine of knowledge that the adiyogi created remains a living force for enlightenment after
thousands of Years .This timeless knowing still permeates
Almost everything that can be called spiritual on this planet
Close to two billion people worldwide are actively drawing from this spine of knowledge
under different names different forms and different manifestations in
every part of the world
Remnants of the ancient Yogic wisdom are still practiced in its multifarious forms
Irrespective of cultural or religious background this is fundamental possibility
Has evolved from this one idea
That he put in those seven people's minds
He made them
thirst for something Beyond the limitations of the existence
He put this hunger into their stomach
He put this hunger into their hearts that
Want to be something?
Than what we normally know as a human being
Every creature has come with a framework
In hand can do certain things .I am sure there are some champion hands which can do little more
but within that framework a
Tiger can do something, but within that framework an elephant can do something, but within that framework a
human being can do something within that framework a
certain dimension of
He put this idea that you don't have to limit yourself to your dimension
You can transcend this
There is another way to be a completely different way to be
this idea
He not only gave the idea and the part
He also Gave a method
To go there
It is that this one idea that the human being can strive to evOlve Beyond
the dimension of his present existence
Which is the basis of this whole civilization and culture?
It does not matter whether somebody calls himself a hindu or a buddhist or a jain or a sikh or whatever
All of them are striving for this one idea that
They want across these limitations and attain to liberation
The idea of Mukti the whole Culture is the Centerpiece is Mukti [Blissey]
Everything that we are doing here in this culture is essentially towards that that
There is [a] possibility of transcending all limitations and getting there
There has never been a more revolutionary idea on this planet
Since this time nobody has come up with a more revolutionary idea than this
That you can transcend the very limited the very dimension in which you exist
being of enormous proportions and phenomenal capabilities
Arrived in the upper region of the himalayas many thousands of years ago
This being who came to be known as the adiyogi or the first yogi?
Transmitted the science of Evolving human consciousness
Willfully to the subtly she's the celebrated seven sages of seemingly celestial origin
These seven sages
Infused with the sacred knowing of Eastern mysticism that predates all religions
Carried it around the globe and to this day it continues to live and flourish in
various manifestations and distortions
the spine of knowledge that the adiyogi created remains a living force for enlightenment after
thousands of Years .This timeless knowing still permeates
Almost everything that can be called spiritual on this planet
Close to two billion people worldwide are actively drawing from this spine of knowledge
under different names different forms and different manifestations in
every part of the world
Remnants of the ancient Yogic wisdom are still practiced in its multifarious forms
Irrespective of cultural or religious background this is fundamental possibility
Has evolved from this one idea
That he put in those seven people's minds
He made them
thirst for something Beyond the limitations of the existence
He put this hunger into their stomach
He put this hunger into their hearts that
Want to be something?
Than what we normally know as a human being
Every creature has come with a framework
In hand can do certain things .I am sure there are some champion hands which can do little more
but within that framework a
Tiger can do something, but within that framework an elephant can do something, but within that framework a
human being can do something within that framework a
certain dimension of
He put this idea that you don't have to limit yourself to your dimension
You can transcend this
There is another way to be a completely different way to be
this idea
He not only gave the idea and the part
He also Gave a method
To go there
It is that this one idea that the human being can strive to evOlve Beyond
the dimension of his present existence
Which is the basis of this whole civilization and culture?
It does not matter whether somebody calls himself a hindu or a buddhist or a jain or a sikh or whatever
All of them are striving for this one idea that
They want across these limitations and attain to liberation
The idea of Mukti the whole Culture is the Centerpiece is Mukti [Blissey]
Everything that we are doing here in this culture is essentially towards that that
There is [a] possibility of transcending all limitations and getting there
There has never been a more revolutionary idea on this planet
Since this time nobody has come up with a more revolutionary idea than this
That you can transcend the very limited the very dimension in which you exist
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